Employee Onboarding Check-in Template

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You are onboarding a new employee or team member and you want to make sure that your company is taking care of every detail and giving a great experience to her/him.

You can set up an automated check-in to gather permanent feedback during the first 4-8 weeks in the company.


  1. How are you feeling about your on-boarding so far?
  2. Is there anything blocking you now to continue your on-boarding? If so, please give me details.
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your on-boarding experience?

Recommended frequency for this check-in

Depending on the onboarding tasks and complexity, you may consider running these questions in a daily or weekly basis for a period of 4 to 8 weeks.

Follow this best practice

You can try this best practice yourself and automate it with DailyBot:
Get started here

Learn how to configure this template here:
Configuring your check-ins and follow-ups with our Templates

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