Don't Build a Slack Bot from Scratch: Use No-Code Tools in 2024

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Slack is a software for organizations designed to share the workload, track their progress and praise each other, in short, for collaboration. With remote work becoming a more common practice every day, many appreciate the fact of avoiding commuting and having a coffee in the quiet comfort of their homes instead of rushing to the office at crazy early hours. Remote workers have more control over their time and therefore, they can be more productive in other areas of their work. However, some workers are finding it hard to stay motivated and keep a productive workflow.

Although emails are an effective way to set reminders and arrange meetings for the most brave, information tends to fall through the cracks and get lost among junk mail and other data. So what other option do you have?

At this point, there seem to be two options: You either ask your development team to build a slack bot for your company, or you can use a no-code tool.Here are three main advantages of using a no-code tool instead of building a slack bot:

There are plenty of apps available

Need to remind your coworkers of today’s deadline? You could use DailyBot to automate this back-and-forth process with your team, using in-chat reports that are moderated by a friendly chatbot. This will allow you to stop worrying about the laborious aspects of coding and maintaining this solution in-house – something that your engineering team will appreciate as this work extension is useful for sending and receiving regular grouped updates for daily, weekly or monthly tasks.

You can add this app from the Slack directory to your Slack in little less than 2 minutes. You could save up to 20 to 30 minutes a day (or 10 hours a month) by removing unnecessary meetings — and awkward silences! — since a single notification on your workstation can do the heavy lifting for you.

Talking about awkward silence, here are the best ice-breaker questions to build a strong remote team.

It helps build an asynchronous communication culture

While a proprietary bot could help you save time, it might not have the capabilities to help you build a culture of little to no meetings while keeping productivity and engagement up – at least not without a considerable effort. DailyBot helps send reminders of upcoming events or items and helps arrange asynchronous standups and retrospective meetings.

Companies can run async and written updates instead of endless standups to reduce productivity blockers. You can set up DailyBot to track what your team is up to and identify possible blockers asynchronously. This could be tricky as managers might encounter that most workers are used to face-to-face interactions instead of written updates.

DailyBot solves this by keeping history and notes of each standup and providing reports, analytics and filters so you can improve on the way. Asking the right standup questions also helps running outstanding async meetings.

Incorporate agility into your team

Most times, if you want to check what each team member is doing, you would have to send each of them an individual message or, worse, clog up the company’s channel with requests. This could get pretty ugly quickly.

We’ve been there, getting too many notifications and finding nowhere to start. In most cases, getting overwhelmed comes next, followed by a distracted and unorganized team. This is something your proprietary Slack bot might not be able to solve. Instead, use a bot that allows you to run agile workflows and other productivity hacks like the Pomodoro method.

Experience the efficiency of conjoining tasks without the extensive resources of time and money you’d put into coding such solution, we bet you and your coworkers will be relieved.

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