Integrate Jira Software and DailyBot

Connect Jira Software's webhook to send events to DailyBot and track activity around: issues created, updated, deleted, comments, sprints closed, and version released.

To connect with Jira Software, navigate to the Integrations page > Jira Software and then get your DailyBot Organization JIRA URL to then configure the webhook in Jira Software.

What are the steps?

  1. Get your own URL from DailyBot Integrations page > Jira Software, copy that URL.
  2. Go to your Jira Software global settings.
  3. Click on WebHooks, then "Create a WebHook".
  4. Paste your DailyBot hook URL, add a name and select the events to be tracked, recommended: issue (created, updated, deleted), worklog (updated), comment (created), sprint (closed), version (released)

Now the integration is ready on the Jira Software side. Please read below to make sure that your Jira Software activity displays properly inside DailyBot.

Matching DailyBot and Jira Software users

It is recommended that all your team members configure their own Jira Software ID or User Names on DailyBot's Jira Software page. They should access the Integrations page > Jira Software, and then just set their ID or User Name. It's an important step and every DailyBot member should do this.

If the ID or User Name is not defined, DailyBot will try to match the users based on the full name they have in DailyBot vs. the full name they have in JIRA. If that information does not match, the JIRA event will be ignored and no activity will be tracked.

How to know the JIRA Software User ID

The simplest way to know your JIRA User ID or Account ID is:

  1. Access your JIRA User Profile (using the JIRA dropdown menu at the top-right of the page)
  2. You'll get a URL like this one:
  3. Copy the string/text that comes in the URL after people/, in this example it would be "557888:7363514a-8cd1-4a07-976e-84bd7b8f029f" — your ID could be shorter in some cases.

How to know the JIRA Software User Name

Go to your profile, and copy your full profile name (first name and last name) as you have it configured in your Atlassian account. We recommend the User ID method as it's more reliable. If you use the User Name method and there are two people with the same name in your company then DailyBot could get confused and will ignore JIRA events related to those users.

How can I get data related to just some specific JIRA projects?

JIRA Software allows you apply JQL (Query Language) during the webhook configuration, by using JQL you can filter the events that should be notified to DailyBot. Learn more here.

In example, if you only want to get events in DailyBot related to a Jira Software project named "DailyBot", you'll configure webhook with this extra setting:

Configuring JQL to filter events from JIRA

Activating the activity tracking for your check-in

Finally, please make sure you enable the "Activity Tracking" for the Check-ins where you want the external activity to be displayed. Once you enable this feature you'll see a new column in the web reports, and also an extra summary will be attached to the check-in reports that are shared via chat.

  1. Go to Check-ins (click check-ins on the side bar), then open the configuration page for the Check-in where you want to add the Jira Software activity.
  2. Click on the "Sharing" tab to find the "Activity tracking" section and turn ON the feature.

Now you will start seeing the activity attached to your check-in, you will notice a) a new column on the web report, b) a new summary on every check-in report that is posted into the chat.

What is the activity that DailyBot adds to the check-in reports?

DailyBot will receive the events that you have configured in your Jira Software webhook. For the reports, it takes in account all activity that has append between the moment the report is seen (or shared) and the 24 hours before.

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