DailyBot for GitHub students

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“Exams. A bunch of projects. I need to coordinate with Sam about the new homework. But wait, I don't know how Eli is doing, did she finish our presentation for Friday?… and she’s ghosting me now… OMG I’m stressed, should I rather turn on the console?”

Ok, we got it. The school is full of work and projects, a bunch of stuff needs to be completed and it usually requires coordination.

Communication is the cornerstone to finish any project successfully, this happens in school, work, and life.

At DailyBot, we were students once, and we continue being students, one shouldn’t stop learning, right? One of our purposes is to give back and we're always looking for ways to contribute to the world.

GitHub Education, say hi to DailyBot!

We love what GitHub Education is doing and we’re really glad we’re joining forces into this mission with our special pack of DailyBot for students. Our pack gives a special plan for teams of up to 10 members to use DailyBot’s premium features.

GitHub Student Developer Pack
GitHub Student Developer Pack

With this partnership we're allowing students all around the world to make the first steps into collaboration by using best practices; practices that indeed are already used by thousands of companies that work with DailyBot on a daily basis.

When writing this post, we talked to John, a software developer from our team who worked on our integration and who's also very committed to helping other students and developers. He co-leads some JavaScript and Vue.JS communities where he's in contact with students in a regular basis.

John is highly excited about the opportunity we're opening for students:

"It's amazing that any student will benefit from DailyBot. They'll be able to improve communication with teammates, and if they work on projects remotely —from their homes or just different rooms at school— they'll notice how DailyBot will be a great addition from day 1. It'll do the work of streamlining communication.

DailyBot will help them check the progress, periodically, on the projects, it'll keep a record (like a binnacle!) of what they're working on, who worked on which part, etc... all of this in an asynchronous way, they don't need to match perfectly the school schedules in order to follow-up with each other."

— John, software developer at DailyBot

DailyBot can play the role of a "Pilot" for many projects, the student just has to define the kind of follow-ups to perform for a given initiative, and then, DailyBot will start doing that work for you, sharing reports and giving insights to the full team.

But wait, so what can I do with DailyBot at school?

DailyBot can help you in many ways.

Think of DailyBot as an assistant that you can setup to help you follow-up on any initiatives that you’re working on with your school mates.

An initiative can be a game that you’re training and preparing for. A hard exam that you must study for. A homework project that you should work on with 5 friends. A personal goal that you want to achieve.

Let DailyBot push you to achieve your goals

Very simply, DailyBot will help you and your team stay organized and the bot pushes towards your goals.

Check your teammates daily progress

DailyBot will follow-up with you and any member of your team. DailyBot can follow-up on any school project or activity.

Get reports from your school or work progress

Once DailyBot gets follow-up reports, it will share that information in your chat or email.

Power up your hackathons!

Whether you're working on your project for a weekend or for a few long weeks, just let DailyBot join your team, you'll notice he's a pro on managing stand-up meetings and keeping the team well informed.

Make sure you keep that motivation up!

DailyBot checks what's going on with your peers and gets reports about their motivation, week after week.

Get it

Get the Student Offer Now


  • DailyBot is a web platform and chatbot that integrates into chat platforms.
  • Slack or Google Hangouts (Google Suite) account required.
  • Please make sure you already have the GitHub Student Developer Pack before applying.

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