WebHooks and Events

DailyBot can deliver data to your application via WebHooks based on your organization's activity.

These Webhooks are automatically configured when you enable a Zap integration with Zapier, if you use our official Zap.

Subscribing to events

When you create an outgoing WebHook, DailyBot requires that you:

  1. Specify the URL for the hook: the endpoint that will be receiving events.
  2. Subscribe the events: these will be the type of events you are interested in receiving.
  3. Subscribe the objects: this is the specific check-in or form that you want to receive events from - but not all webhook events require that you subscribe the objects.

If you are using the web interface, you'll be prompted to input these settings. If you are using Zapier, please follow the Zapier integrations instructions.

Want to use the API? Navigate to this page for more information.

Supported Events

The following are the events you can subscribe to. Notice that these might not be all available via Zapier, however you can subscribe to those using the Web Interface or our API.

- "followups.response.completed"
- "followups.response.updated"
- "followups.response.deleted"

- "forms.response.created"
- "forms.response.updated"
- "forms.response.deleted"

- "kudos.posted"

- "organization.user_activated"
- "organization.user_deactivated"
- "organization.team_user_added"
- "organization.team_user_removed"

Check-ins Events

Event “followups.response.completed”

Every time a check-in response is completed by a member, this event will be sent. It takes privacy into consideration, if the response is anonymous, you won't receive any user information, additionally, if the subscriber has no read permissions on that check-in, then the event will not be sent.

Event “followups.response.updated”

Every time a check-in response is updated by a member, this event will be sent. It takes privacy into consideration, if the response is anonymous, you won't receive any user information, additionally, if the subscriber has no read permissions on that check-in, then the event will not be sent.

Event “followups.response.deleted”

Every time a check-in response is deleted by a member, this event will be sent. It takes privacy into consideration, if the response is anonymous, you won't receive any user information, additionally, if the subscriber has no read permissions on that check-in, then the event will not be sent.

Forms Events

Event "forms.response.created"

Every time a form response is created by a member, this event will be sent. It takes privacy into consideration, if the response is anonymous, you won't receive any user information, additionally, if the subscriber has no read permissions on that form, then the event will not be sent.

Event "forms.response.updated"

Every time a form response is updated by a member, this event will be sent. It takes privacy into consideration, if the response is anonymous, you won't receive any user information, additionally, if the subscriber has no read permissions on that form, then the event will not be sent.

Event "forms.response.deleted"

Every time a form response is deleted by a member, this event will be sent. It takes privacy into consideration, if the response is anonymous, you won't receive any user information, additionally, if the subscriber has no read permissions on that form, then the event will not be sent.

Kudos Events

Event "kudos.posted"

This event will trigger when any kudos are given to a user that belongs to your organization. If the kudos are anonymous you will receive a user object with anonymous data as the "giver". The payload will include information about giver, receivers (a list), the text content, and the company/team value related to the kudos (if applies).

Organization events

Event "organization.user_activated"

This event is triggered when any DailyBot user is changed to "active" in DailyBot. This is done when an administrator changes the status of a user.

Event "organization.user_deactivated"

This event is triggered when any DailyBot user is changed to "inactive" in DailyBot. This is done when an administrator changes the status of a user.

Event "organization.team_user_added"

This event is triggered when any DailyBot user is added into an existing DailyBot team. Org administrators or team administrators can add/remove users from DailyBot teams.

Event "organization.team_user_removed"

This event is triggered when any DailyBot user is removed from an existing DailyBot team. Org administrators or team administrators can add/remove users from DailyBot teams.

Event payloads

You will receive a payload with the following data:

  "event": "string", // defining the name of the event being notified
  "event_timestamp": "timestamp",
  "hook": {
    "id": "UUID",
    "name": "string"
  "body": {
    // Object with event-specific payload

We recommend that you test multiple events to get familiar with the payload of each event.

WebHook requests authentication

Secret signature

DailyBot will send an X-BEARER header with a signature for the webhook. You can configure a Bearer token when you create the webhook (via web app or via API). If no bearer was specified, the X-BEARER header will include some value that is automatically assigned by DailyBot.

HTTPS Basic Authentication

DailyBot webhooks can support basic authentication. If you want to apply this authentication that case, you should define a URL as:


OAuth 2.0 Authentication

DailyBot has built-in support for authenticating webhook requests with OAuth 2.0. If you want to enable this authentication method you are required to provide additional configuration options:

  • Auth Access URL: the URL that will be used to authenticate with the external service
  • Auth Key (optional): a private Auth Key that should be used to authenticate with the external service. Learn more about how to create a private key.

Managing WebHooks via API

It is possible to use the public API to create and delete your webhooks. Read more.

Need support or have feedback for us?

Please feel free to send us an email at support@dailybot.com.

You can configure new outgoing web hooks by navigating to the "Integrations" tab, accessible from the main dropdown menu or as a tab when you enter the organization settings.

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