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Check-in date:

September 18, 2024

Hey there! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to bring you some fresh updates that’ll make your workday flow even smoother.

Whether you're keeping track of check-ins or managing your team's productivity, these updates are here to help! Take a look at what's new:

Check-ins home: A fresh new look! ✨

Get a quick snapshot of your check-ins with the updated home page. Now, you can instantly see:

  • Who’s in on the check-in
  • Where reports are going
  • Completion rates
  • Who’s responding on time
  • How your team is feeling

Try the new Check-ins Home →

Check-ins analytics: Zoom in on your team’s stats 📈

You asked for more insights, and we delivered:

  • Completion rate trends: Spot trends, track individual performance, and see who's taking time off.
  • Missed reports: Know exactly who missed a report and nudge them with a friendly reminder.
  • On-time responses: Monitor the percentage of responses submitted on time, perfect for keeping tabs on accountability.

Check insights with Analytics →

Gmail users: Welcome aboard! 📧

No more GSuite-only roadblocks! Now, Gmail users can:

  • Create accounts and organizations
  • Invite other Gmail users and add DailyBot to new spaces
  • Collaborate seamlessly across platforms like Google Chat and Slack

Whether you’re a Slack power user or prefer Google Chat for everything, this opens up new ways to connect and collaborate without limits.

Open account with Gmail →

Check-in creation & editing: Smoother than butter 🧈

We’ve revamped the look and feel to simplify how you create and edit check-ins:

  • Browse templates easily
  • Update questions without leaving the flow
  • The check-in name is now front and center for a more intuitive experience

Automate a new report →

We’re all about making your workday easier, whether you’re new to DailyBot or a seasoned user. Feel free to explore any of these new features today—you might just find a new favorite! 💙

💡 This report is just a taste of what DailyBot can do. Boost your team's productivity and morale with automated check-ins. Try DailyBot for free today
Report submitted by:
Carolina Marulanda
UX Product Designer
Thanks! We're on it – your feedback is in good hands. 🙌
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